Sarawak will ban undesirable elements, elections or not

OUTSPOKEN: For more than 50 years now since the formation of Malaysia, the only decent autonomy left with Sarawak is one that relates to its immigration laws.

These laws empower the state government, or rather, the chief minister, in the current case, Adenan Satem, to decide if a non-Sarawakian should or should not be allowed into the state.

And Adenan has indeed decided some Malayans should not be allowed in, and they include PKR officials Zuraida Kamaruddin, Rafizi Ramli, Nurul Izzah Anwar, Saifuddin Nasution and Tian Chua.

The ban against these politicians has irked Malaya-based PKR which has called for its lifting.

“Sarawak has the right to the agreement that was signed regarding its immigration laws. However, opposition leaders are being banned from entering the state for having done nothing wrong.

“I am calling on Adenan to lift the ban with immediate effect, to allow opposition leaders to enter the state for a fair election in terms of leadership,” said PKR vice-president Dr Xavier Jayakumar.

“He is trying to tell us that he is much (fiercer than his predecessor Taib Mahmud).

“This just shows that nothing has changed, the arbitrary policies remain.

“It has a much more negative impact on Sarawak Barisan Nasional (BN) than it has on us,” said Rafizi.

“It’s an abuse of power...many had hoped that with the change in leadership, the state government would be more open to change,” said Nurul.

The opposition politicians can say all they want, but at a time when Sarawak is asking the federal government for the return of its original rights as per the Malaysia Agreement 1963, PKR’s call for lifting the ban is not only ill-timed but runs counter to the aspirations of Sarawakians.

Federalism has cost Sarawak a lot, Sarawakians are not about to let go the one and only decent autonomy left with it – the right to decide who can and cannot walk freely on Sarawak soil.

Questioning Adenan’s decision to ban anyone, whoever he or she maybe, certainly is not in the constitutional interest of Sarawakians.

There is no telling what Zuraida actually said, or as alleged by her, that PBB supreme council member Idris Buang had taken her statement out of context, as to conclude that if the Opposition come to power, they would abolish the autonomous right of the state on immigration.

For Sarawakians, Idris included, that is their imminent fear, therefore, if they think Malaya-based parties are out to strip them of this one last decent autonomy, it is really up to the Malayan parties to prove otherwise.

As I have said often before, Sarawakians can be very parochial, protective, in fact, when it comes to what belongs to them as much as they are honest about admitting what isn’t theirs.

Sarawakians don’t make false claims, but they will defend till their last breath what is theirs.

Any Sarawakian worth his salt understands the current Sarawakian sentiment – Sarawak for Sarawakians, it does not help any political cause if Malayan parties are seen as running counter to this sentiment today.

Adenan’s banning of certain people clearly reflects that sentiment:

“I intend to increase the list to keep out more trouble-makers. I have to protect the state from undesirable elements,” he was quoted as saying.

And “undesirable elements” need not be opposition politicians but they can also be extremists and bigots like Redhuan Tee Abdullah and Ibrahim Ali, who should not ever try to steal his way into the state.

Adenan has warned: “Don't ever try to enter Sarawak

"He will find out what happens next time he comes to Sarawak.”-The Ant Daily

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