MARUDI: Uma Galau Upau, a Penan longhouse at Bukit Limau, Tinjar will receive funding for its extension project.
Headman Galau Upau said the present site can only accommodate 14 doors and the extension via earth-filling will make room for 32 doors.
During a recent visit, Assistant Minister of Public Utilities (Water Supply) Datuk Sylvester Entri Muran, who is Marudi assemblyman, pledged to assist with the necessary funding.
“Go ahead with your plans. As this is the first I’ve heard of it, I will assist later with funds to cover the costs,” he said.
“I don’t want to issue a cheque with a sum which may not be enough to cover your costs later, but you can proceed with your plans and let me know the figure later.”
Entri called on the longhouse folk to communicate their needs to the relevant authorities.
He stopped at the longhouse after launching a Rural Electrification Scheme dialogue nearby.-Borneo Post
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