They are a proposal for the state government to exercise its autonomy to abolish Biro Tatanegara (BTN) programme in Sarawak and taking steps to implement appropriate policies to achieve Borneonisation.
Baru, who is state PKR chairman, said for the first motion, he also proposed that the state government declare it not a requirement for Sarawakian students and civil servants to attend BTN programme.
He said the BTN had deviated from its purpose of promoting patriotism and civic consciousness among Malaysian youths, adding that the Minister of Tourism and Culture in 2009, admitted that BTN had been used to promote certain political leaders and Malay supremacy.
“The BTN has become a political and indoctrination tool of the BN government and has created divisiveness and suspicion amongst Malaysians by espousing Malay supremacy and demonising the opposition,” he said of the motion that was submitted to the DUN secretary on Tuesday.
Baru said the recent leaked BTN slides claimed that racism could unite a race for ‘a good purpose’, besides portraying race, religion and the motherland as being shored up by Umno, Malay Bumiputeras and other Malay hardline groups such as Perkasa and Perkida.
“The BTN programmes have referred to minority groups as ‘pendatang’ and the director implied that Ibans and Kadazans are from other countries.
“They also taught that the Chinese were ‘the Jews of Asia’ and ‘part of a conspiracy to topple the government’.
“The BTN programmes also taught that the opposition is crafting policies to destroy the Malay community.”
He said Sarawakians have co-existed harmoniously for decades and the BTN’s racist programmes and political propaganda were a threat to their harmony and cohesiveness.
For the second motion, he proposed that the state government implement equal ethnic party share of the civil service, in particular 90 per cent Borneonisation of the education sector and heads of federal government departments by 2018.
Baru said currently, there was an underrepresentation of Sarawakians in the federal public services in Sarawak, apart from racial and ethnic imbalance in the civil service.
“Borneonisation of Sarawak public services is an objective of the Federation of Malaysia as stated in the Inter-Governmental Committee Report 1962 and recognised in the Malaysia Agreement 1963.
“Article 153 of the Federal Constitution requires that the natives of Sabah and Sarawak be treated in the same way as Malays in respect of reservation of quotas in the public service.
Article 39 of the Sarawak Constitution requires the Yang Di-Pertua Negeri to ensure the reservation of offices in the public service to natives such proportion as he deems reasonable.”
He said Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem declared an intention to reclaim Sarawak’s autonomy and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak agreed to the devolution of power to Sarawak.
Baru said the proposed motion also included (but not limited to) declaring as a policy of every government ministry and agency including the Public Services Commission and Public Services Department the achievement of Borneonisation and equal ethnic parity share.
“The state government should also highlight this declaration in all policy documents, service manuals and directive, besides enduring representation by Sarawakians in federal government recruitment and promotion committees for postings in Sarawak.
“Additionally, the state government should ensure full multi-racial representation in Sarawak government recruitment and promotion committees.”-Borneo Post
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