Pelagus, Baleh as good as in BN’s bag

KAPIT: Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) is confident of wrestling Pelagus seat from the opposition and retaining Baleh in the 11th state election, which must be called by June next year.

PRS Baleh Youth chief, Councillor Bakat Gira, said the optimism was based on voters’ mood swing in Pelagus and solid support for PRS president Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Jemut Masing in Baleh.

“This time around, we are confident of taking back Pelagus as all the BN component parties here are united in facing the election.

“As for Baleh, Masing is still a formidable force to be reckoned with as he is a wise and down-to-earth politician as well as humble person,” Bakat told BAT V here yesterday.

He added that the people of Pelagus had been losing RM1.5 million of minor rural project (MRP) funds annually because their assemblyman, George Lagong, was in the opposition.

“The people have realised they had made a mistake in the last election, and they have promised to vote for BN in the coming state election.”

“Besides PRS, other component parties such as PBB, under Deputy Minister of Regional and Rural Development Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi, SUPP and SPDP are now united in facing the coming state election,” said Bakat, who is also PRS Youth Central exco member.

On who would be standing in Pelagus, Bakat said the candidate must have the blessing of the party.

“At the moment, we have at least two potential candidates for Pelagus, but whoever is picked by the party must use the party’s machinery and must have the full support of the locals.”

Bakat’s view was shared by Temenggong Tan Kian Hoo, who believed Pelagus could be recaptured from the opposition.

“The Chinese in Kapit are now standing united behind the BN, regardless of what people think of their inclination. But of course there are a few diehard opposition supporters.”

“As for Baleh, Tan Sri Masing should have no problem retaining his seat as he is seen as an outspoken leader who defends the rights of the Dayak community; not just here in Kapit but the whole of Sarawak,” said Tan.

A local businessman, Sia Shiu Pau, also believed the Chinese would help BN win back Pelagus.

“I have been with Datuk Alex, who is also Kapit MP, to go around Pelagus constituency and found out that the people now are receptive to BN, especially the Ibans, who formed the majority of voters here,” said Sia.

Even if Sarawak Workers Party (SWP) president Larry Sng contest the seat, it would be an uphill battle for him because he is now in the opposition.

“Before, people supported George because of certain x-factor,” he said without elaborating.

Baleh PRS member David Sanggau opined that both Masing and a BN candidate in Pelagus should have no problem in winning both seats for the BN in the coming election.

“We have been working very hard on the ground, and we know the sentiments of the people. So our confidence is based on facts, not speculation,” added David.-Borneo Post


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