Adenan Must Make Clear his Autonomy Agenda for Sarawak and not merely shouting an empty “Autonomy” Slogan. If Adenan is unsure about his “Autonomy Agenda”, he is Most Welcomed to refer to the DAP’s “BINTULU DECLARATION”
On 4-6-2015, for the first time, Adenan called for more autonomy for Sarawak. However, many are disappointed that Adenan did not elaborate on the areas that autonomy needs to be reinstated to Sarawak.
The mere call for “autonomy” without any clear agenda is nothing but slogan. It sounds good and loud, but like empty can, is hollow inside.
Therefore, Adenan must list out the areas in which he wishes Sarawak to have its autonomy. If Adenan is unsure of what autonomy he wants for Sarawak, we welcome him to read through the DAP’s “Bintulu Declaration – Towards Equal Partners” launched on 26-10-2014 in Bintulu.
In the said Bintulu Declaration, we have called for the renegotiation and review of the Ninth Schedule of the Federal Constitution to devolve powers of education, health care and police matters to the State Government of Sarawak.
Under this concept of autonomy, Sarawak government shall have the power to write the syllabus for schools in Sarawak, plan for the building of schools and hospitals in the State, bear all administration and development expenses in these 3 areas.
To finance our autonomy in these 3 areas, Sarawak must have sufficient revenue. Otherwise, if finance is still controlled by the Federal Government, there is no point for us to claim “autonomy” when we cannot even afford to pay the teachers, medical staff and police officers.
In any government institution, the person who controls the finance controls everything. As such, it is thus our suggestion that 20% Oil and Gas Royalty and 50% of all tax revenue generated and collected in Sarawak must be paid to the State Government of Sarawak.
Therefore, it is imperative that we must first have the 20% Oil and Gas Royalty paid to the State Government and not allow the Federal Government to sit on the matter indefinitely. Any delay on the part of the Federal Government in realising the 20% Oil and Gas Royalty demand is a show of disrespect and contempt on the Sarawak DewanUndanganNegeri which has passed a unanimous resolution on such demand.
If the State Government cannot even get the Federal Government to agree to the 20% Oil and Gas Royalty, how is Adenan going to proceed further on his call for “autonomy”.
Therefore, if Adenan is serious about his call for Sarawak Autonomy, he must first list out the area in which he wants Sarawak Government to have the autonomy and then proceed with:
1. Getting the 20% Oil and Gas Royalty for Sarawak
2. Re-negotiate on theNinth Schedule of the Federal Constitution to devolve the power to the State Government which will have to include,at least 50% of the tax collected in Sarawak to be paid to the State Government.
Chong Chieng Jen
DAP Sarawak Chairman
Member of Parliament for Bandar Kuching
ADUN for Kota Sentosa
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